The final month of school has arrived. There may be some of you who have been counting down the days of school since January, and these last weeks can’t pass by fast enough. For others, you may be…
DEVIN Devin is a junior at Elizabethtown Area High School, where he is involved in the school musical, choir, student council, tennis team, and school newspaper. He has proven himself to be a…
Two weeks ago, I was able to cross something off my bucket list. What’s a bucket list? It’s all the things you'd like to accomplish or do before "kicking the bucket" (which is slang for).…
Daniel Daniel is a senior at Grace Brethren, where he is Student Body President and involved in the math club. He recently was honored at an awards ceremony for his high scholastic achievement,…
This is an incredible opportunity for AHLI to offer a study abroad experience to students from many more countries, including Serbia, Spain, Thailand, and Vietnam. Students on a J-1 visa attend a…
Sacrifice At the Cinema Take a quick look at the video clip below and then read on to learn more about the ultimate sacrifice. What an interesting...…
Jimmy Jimmy was chosen as the AHLI Student of the Month for his involvement and growth at school and at home. Jimmy is a freshman at Lititz Christian School, where he is a part of the basketball.…
February is the month of love for Americans. February 14th is the day that more roses, chocolate, and cards are sold compared to any other day. Everywhere you turn, you see pink and red hearts, and…
High school is a time for learning, growing, and understanding yourself. One way to do this is to give your time and talents to make our world a better place. Volunteering is an excellent way to…
Jerry Jerry was chosen as the AHLI Student of the Month for his involvement at school and helpfulness at home. Jerry is a senior at Lititz Christian School, where he is involved in basketball,…
Are you ready to say Goodbye to 2022 and Hello to 2023? How will you celebrate the coming of the new year? Many people will have parties and participate in the tradition of watching the lighted ball…
Steve Steve was chosen as the AHLI Student of the Month for his growth and involvement in school. Steve is in 9th grade at Peoria Christian School, where he is involved in soccer, basketball, and…
Enjoy these facts about Thanksgiving! Maybe even surprise your friends and family with this trivia at the dinner table tomorrow. 1. When was the first Thanksgiving celebrated? In 1621, a 3…
As we approach the end of October, the exciting newness of living in America may be wearing off. Homesickness may be settling in, causing you feelings of loneliness and sadness. Homesickness is the…
“The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness” Lamentations 3:22-23 Welcome to the start of a new…
Congratulations to our 30 seniors! Whether you have been studying in the U.S. for 1 year or 4 years, you are coming to the end of this important stage of your life. Graduation is the culmination of…
As we approach the end of April, you may hear someone say, “April showers brings May flowers.” Have you heard this saying before? On the surface, it talks about the rainy season of April giving…
Spring, which officially begins on Sunday, March 20th is full of interesting and important holidays. This week was the celebration of St. Patrick’s Day, an Irish holiday that celebrates…
Now that we are in the second semester of the school year, it is a good time to look at your GPA (grade point average), and determine if it is a good reflection of you as a student. Your grade point…
Taking the SAT or the ACT for College Admissions? Winter is a great time to register for standardized testing for college admissions. Due to COVID-19, many universities have waived the requirement… This year many of you will celebrate Christmas with your host families. The Christmas season is a joyous time when schools close, houses are brightly,…
November is the American Thanksgiving month…the time of the year when we give thanks for the many good things we have in our life- both the big things, like our family and the ability to study…
Guest Contributor: David Young, AHLI Board Director For many of you, this is the first time you have lived away from home. And while you are still living with a family here in the United States, you…
You are part of a wonderful community of AHLI students from many different countries, coming from a variety of cultures celebrating unique holidays. Usually in this blog we talk about American,…
AHLI is happy to welcome new and returning students to the 2021-2022 school year. As you settle into your host family and jump back into school, you may be experiencing a range of emotions from…