Ted is AHLI’s Student of the Month! He is a hard-working problem-solver who improved his grades and athletic skills. Plus, he enjoys helping people by doing community service projects. We…
How has studying and living in the U.S. changed your perspective? Let's see if Pol, an AHLI student, has changed his perspective since his arrival in August 2024. Thank you, Pol and his…
Do you need encouragement? AHLI is here to help with special guest contributors, Brian and Cheryl Martin. They are current host parents to AHLI students. Graciously, Cheryl agreed to do a phone…
International Student Art Cover Contest Contestants: current high school exchange students Instructions: Create art representing the spirit of youth exchange and how it transforms the lives of…
Happy Valentine's Day! Did you know that Valentine's Day is the second most popular holiday in the United Sates? People love to share cards, boxes of chocolate, flowers, balloons or gifts with…
Winter is here! For many of us, the weather has been colder with more snow than usual. Surprisingly, ice and snow storms reached Florida and Texas! My family has enjoyed playing in the snow,…
Happy New Year! 2025 is here! Can you believe it? You are halfway through the school year. Where has the time gone?It is time to reflect on last year and celebrate what you have done. Then, think…
It’s hard to believe that 2025 is here! We are surrounded with messages of goal setting for 2025, everything from diet to exercise to financial planning. But, for us host families the start of…
Ara Shishmanian is our Coordinator of the Month! This year, he has four students, all boys. He is excellent at meeting with them and checking on their wellbeing. He encourages them and finds…
Our J-1 Student of the Month is Inés! She is an excellent student and a hardworking athlete with a positive attitude. She makes friends easily and is always ready for new activities with her…
Congratulations to Rose, our F-1 Student of the Month! Rose is very sweet, helpful, and thoughtful. She was nominated by her host mom who appreciates the extra time and effort that Rose gave to…
Merry Christmas! Is this your first Christmas season in the U.S. or one of many? It's a special time of year with concerts, parties, shopping, gifts, cookies, lights, decorations, and Christmas.…
The Christmas season is finally here! For Americans, that often means a busy month filled with parties, pageants, Christmas lights, caroling, shopping, gift giving, and time spent with loved ones.…
We are approaching Thanksgiving - the time of year when families gather together over a traditional meal to give thanks. As part of the American tradition, you may be asked to share something that…
Do you like riddles? Here’s a funny one: Why did the girl throw the clock out the window? (see answer at end) We are approaching an annual event. Do you know what happens at 2 am…
Now that you’ve settled in, it’s time to focus on how to have a successful school year. Successful students set achievable goals. Have you thought about what your goal is this year?…
Are you ready for an adventure? Are you nervous? Everyone is happy that you are here and are ready to meet you. Even if you are a returning student, it is still normal to feel conflicting emotions,…
You’ve made it to the end of the school year! Congratulations! I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one…
If you’ve looked at the calendar, you know it’s time to review your “bucket list.” What is a bucket list? It’s that list of things you wanted to do or accomplish before leaving the United.…
Have you wondered why your school is closed today? Perhaps you’ve heard your host family talk about Good Friday, the day Jesus Christ was crucified and died on a cross. Doesn’t exactly sound so,…
If you haven’t noticed... it’s February! The shortest month of the year. It also marks the 6-month mark of your exchange experience. But a short month doesn’t mean an unimportant month!…
Congratulations to Stephanie Moore! She is AHLI’s Coordinator of the Month. She writes great detailed monthly reports and adds fun photos of her students. This helps our international students’…
Congratulations to Gyeol! He is AHLI’s Student of the Month. He is a smart and outgoing dynamo who seizes every opportunity. He plays soccer, takes photos for the yearbook, sings in the choir and…
Congratulations to Morgan! She is AHLI’s Student of the Month. She is thriving! She loves adventure, is an excellent student, and a great athlete. Her fun, energetic, personality is a joy to those…
Happy 2024! I hope the new year has started well for you. What if you could earn 1 year of college for free? Most high school students are familiar with the College Board’s Advanced Placement (AP),…