Ted is AHLI’s Student of the Month! He is a hard-working problem-solver who improved his grades and athletic skills. Plus, he enjoys helping people by doing community service projects. We…
How has studying and living in the U.S. changed your perspective? Let's see if Pol, an AHLI student, has changed his perspective since his arrival in August 2024. Thank you, Pol and his…
Do you need encouragement? AHLI is here to help with special guest contributors, Brian and Cheryl Martin. They are current host parents to AHLI students. Graciously, Cheryl agreed to do a phone…
International Student Art Cover Contest Contestants: current high school exchange students Instructions: Create art representing the spirit of youth exchange and how it transforms the lives of…
Merry Christmas! Is this your first Christmas season in the U.S. or one of many? It's a special time of year with concerts, parties, shopping, gifts, cookies, lights, decorations, and Christmas.…
The Christmas season is finally here! For Americans, that often means a busy month filled with parties, pageants, Christmas lights, caroling, shopping, gift giving, and time spent with loved ones.…
We are approaching Thanksgiving - the time of year when families gather together over a traditional meal to give thanks. As part of the American tradition, you may be asked to share something that…
Now that you’ve settled in, it’s time to focus on how to have a successful school year. Successful students set achievable goals. Have you thought about what your goal is this year?…
Are you ready for an adventure? Are you nervous? Everyone is happy that you are here and are ready to meet you. Even if you are a returning student, it is still normal to feel conflicting emotions,…
You’ve made it to the end of the school year! Congratulations! I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one…