Do you need encouragement? AHLI is here to help with special guest contributors, Brian and Cheryl Martin. They are current host parents to AHLI students. Graciously, Cheryl agreed to do a phone interview about daily life as a host family. Welcome to a day at the Martin’s home and Cheryl’s perspective on hosting:
What is a typical day?
Morning: The girls are independent and good at getting up on time to be ready for the bus. They make their own breakfast. I taught them how to use everything in the kitchen and to make simple, healthy meals. We provide eggs from our chickens, rice, meat and veggies.
After School Soccer: The girls take healthy snacks, protein bars and drinks to help keep them going. We carpool with a soccer parent to get them home.
Homework: It is done right away or after a nap and dinner.
Dinner: Everyone cooks! The girls help cook and Momma (grandma) makes meals on Wednesdays. Often, we eat together and talk about the day, friends, family plans, and their needs. We answer questions and help them navigate life.
After Dinner: It is time for games, T.V., movies, and activities. We have comfy areas for them to hang out together or check-in with their family and friends.
How are weekends different?
We treat the girls like family and take them with us. We do day trips, visit relatives, go shopping, etc.On Sundays,We enjoy going to church together. We make the most of the opportunity of living close to the beach and NYC.
How do you feel about hosting?
It is cool, fun, and a blessing to be a host family! We have been hosting international students for over 14 years. We have done academic year, short term, respite, and summers. We are the hands and feet of Jesus. We thought we would be missionaries, but the mission field is here. The world is at our doorstep.
Over the years, we have learned to set boundaries for our family. Every time before agreeing to host, we talked as a family (including our children) to see if it is a good fit. We take breaks after hosting, especially in the summer. Learning that you cannot do it all helps. Take time to take care of yourself.
Cheryl’s final thought, “I hope that this encourages or helps other host families.”
Thank you to Cheryl for collaborating with me, and for all of our host families, we appreciate how you provide support and love for your international students/family members, each day.
Psalm 31:24 Be strong, and let your heart take courage, all you who wait for the Lord.

Cheryl and Brian Martin