AHLI is happy to welcome new and returning students to the 2021-2022 school year. As you settle into your host family and jump back into school, you may be experiencing a range of emotions from…
On behalf of AHLI, it is my great privilege to say Congratulations to our 52 graduates! Your journey has not been an easy one compared to your fellow students. You have braved a new country, a…
The COVID-19 vaccine has now been made available to everyone 12 years old and older, residing in the U.S. The two shot vaccine requires up to 28 days to be administered in addition to time…
You probably have been told that in addition to SAT scores, colleges consider your essay and extracurricular activities when making an acceptance decision. College acceptance committees look…
As we “March” into April, many of you are thinking of what comes after high school. As you prepare for post-secondary, such as college or university, we wanted to give you an international student…
February may be the shortest month of the year, but it can often feel like the longest because of it being in the middle of the winter with cold, dreary days and the end of school still far in…
As we jump into 2021, it’s a great time to think about bolstering your vocabulary! Not only does both the ACT and SAT test your breadth of knowledge on words, but having an extensive lexicon will…
Guest Writer: Kirk Benner **READ TO END TO LEARN ABOUT AHLI STUDENT CONTEST. TWO WINNERS WILL EACH RECEIVE A $10 GIFT CARD What makes a successful high school student? There are many ways in which…
Everywhere you look, you see political campaign signs, billboards, and media ads. Even if you are not currently in the United States, it is important to understand the U.S election process as the…