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May Student Blog

The final month of school has arrived. There may be some of you who have been counting down the days of school since January, and these last weeks can’t pass by fast enough. For others, you may be feeling a twinge of sadness as an important year of cultural exchange is coming to an end. As you begin your round of summer goodbyes, I hope you can take a moment and reflect back on this school year. 

What were your highlights of the year? 

  • What accomplishment are you most proud of? Did you try a new club, sport or activity? In your academics, was there a test, report, or presentation that represented your best work? 

What was the greatest challenge you faced?  

  • Was it learning English quickly enough? Forming new friendships? Staying involved and engaged with your host family? 

What relationships did you focus on this year?  

  • Did you grow a deeper friendship with a host sibling? Feel you bonded with one or two friends at school? 

Hopefully, the first question was easy to answer. Without a doubt, there is something (and probably many things) that you feel were successful this year. Whether your accomplishment was publicly recognized or it was a victory you celebrated quietly, recognize that you made strides forward in becoming a better you. But undoubtedly, you also had challenges throughout the year. Whether it was your last year here, your first year, or even your only year in the U.S., you can take what you learned through those challenges and remind yourself that troubles come and go, and you are able to rise above these difficulties.  

Perhaps the most important of the questions is that of the relationships you invested in. Good and bad times come and go, just as good grades and bad grades, but what lasts are the social connections that have been invested in. It is my hope that the friendships you have developed with your classmates, host family, teachers and Coordinators will last long into the future. Tennessee Williams, a famous American playwright, once wrote, “Time doesn’t take away from friendship, neither does separation.” As you transition to the next stage, may you look back on this school year fondly, full of gratefulness and growth.  


Tiffanee M. Wright, MA, MPH | Executive Director
AHLI – International Education and Homestay

Students, reach out to me on WeChat to tell me a favorite memory from this past year!