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5 Habits of a Successful Student

Now that you’ve settled in, it’s time to focus on how to have a successful school year. 

Successful students set achievable goals.

Have you thought about what your goal is this year? Is it to make American friends? Improve your English? Get on the Honor Roll at School? Get accepted at your top university? You can’t hit a target you can’t see. Having a goal keeps you focused and motivates you during difficult times. 

Successful students are proactive. 

Proactive means taking steps to reach your goal. Proactive students plan to be successful. They can reduce stress and worry by studying early, instead of waiting until the last minute to study or complete an assignment. Students who plan set consistent times to study. Research has shown that just 20 minutes of reviewing study materials each day can improve test results.

Successful students study smarter. 

Smart students learn HOW to study. Take time to learn a few study techniques that will help you understand and remember what you’re learning. While re-reading textbooks, highlighting important points, or making notes is helpful, try active study techniques that are more productive. Here are few suggestions: 

  • Repeated Learning Schedule improves your memory as you revisit the information multiple times over multiple days. 
  • Retrieval Practice helps you learn by recalling the information fast. 
  • Use Memory Boosting Techniques: 

      1. Chunking: breaking down difficult information into smaller pieces     

      2. Mnemonics: tricks to memorize information 

  • Use Flash Card apps to test your knowledge! Flash cards use repeated learning and retrieval practice skills. Quizlet is a free app to make flashcards to test memory.   

Successful students remove distractions.

Make the most of your study time by being more focused. You can learn faster when you are not distracted. Find a quiet place to study and set a timer. Put your phone away, turn off the T.V. and avoid conversations. Do focused study for 25 minutes. Then, take a 5-minute break. After (4) 25-minute blocks of studying, take a 30-minute break so you don’t lose focus. 

Successful students maintain a healthy lifestyle. 

It’s easy to become too focused on your studies! Studying too hard and too long can hinder you from reaching your goals. God designed our body, mind, and spirit to work together to be healthy. It’s important to take time to exercise and eat healthy foods. Also, keep a consistent sleeping schedule to help renew your mind and recharge your body. Don’t forget to build in time to explore your hobbies and interests to lift your spirit and bring happiness. When we care for our body, mind and soul together, we can persevere to reach our goals! 


Tiffanee M. Wright, MA, MPH | Executive Director
AHLI – International Education and Homestay