Tag: tradition

The Christmas season is finally here! For Americans, that often means a busy month filled with parties, pageants, Christmas lights, caroling, shopping, gift giving, and time spent with loved ones.…

Are You Thankful or Thank-full?
November 26, 2024We are approaching Thanksgiving - the time of year when families gather together over a traditional meal to give thanks. As part of the American tradition, you may be asked to share something that…

December Student Blog
December 22, 2023Merry Christmas! Schools are closing for the holiday, trees are decorated, stockings are hung, gifts are being wrapped, and families will be coming together for a celebratory dinner. If it’s your…

10 Things You Didn’t Know About Thanksgiving!
November 26, 2022Enjoy these facts about Thanksgiving! Maybe even surprise your friends and family with this trivia at the dinner table tomorrow. 1. When was the first Thanksgiving celebrated? In 1621, a 3…

American Spring Holidays
March 18, 2022Spring, which officially begins on Sunday, March 20th is full of interesting and important holidays. This week was the celebration of St. Patrick’s Day, an Irish holiday that celebrates…
Jesus Vs. Santa Claus
December 17, 2021https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CVrQkABGipQ This year many of you will celebrate Christmas with your host families. The Christmas season is a joyous time when schools close, houses are brightly,…

Happy Chinese New Year
January 24, 2020We just turned the calendar on a new year. Many people seek to gain a new focus when flipping the calendar from December to January. We call these focuses, “resolutions.” Resolutions are made for a variety of reasons. There are students who want good grades, there are athletes who desire to perform better, people join gyms with the hopes of losing weight and/or getting in shape and finally there are some; particularly Christians who want to pray and read their Bibles more.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
December 18, 2019Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! For most of you, it is the last week of school before Winter Break. Depending where you live, you may be experiencing the beginnings of a very cold, snowy winter, or for others, winter may be feeling quite warm, and sunny!

Happy Thanksgiving!
November 26, 2019Happy Thanksgiving! Whether this is your first Thanksgiving in America, or your second or third, we at AHLI are happy to have you as part of our homestay program. We hope by now that you…
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