Happy 2020! Happy Chinese New Year! This month we have a guest writer sharing about an American tradition. Brian Kelley is an AHLI Student Director for schools in Maryland and one in PA.
We just turned the calendar on a new year. Many people seek to gain a new focus when flipping the calendar from December to January. We call these focuses, “resolutions.” Resolutions are made for a variety of reasons. There are students who want good grades, there are athletes who desire to perform better, people join gyms with the hopes of losing weight and/or getting in shape and finally there are some; particularly Christians who want to pray and read their Bibles more.
Unfortunately, many fail in their resolutions. We know that we have the best intentions, yet we only make a couple of weeks into the new year, this can be discouraging. But each day, we can strive to continue with our resolution and make small improvements to become better individuals.
The God of the Bible had a resolution, to be reconciled (regain a relationship) with man (II Corinthians 5:18-21). His way to do this did not make sense; He gave up his only Son to be the sacrifice for our sin (all the wrong we do). Even when his Son came to earth to live as a man and even when people rejected his Son, He never broke his resolution. He did not save his Son!
I know this sounds crazy, but it is true. His Son willingly died on the cross so his Father’s resolution would take place. Why? This was not a resolution for only a moment or a new year. This was a resolution for eternity. God realized a bigger picture when it came to mankind. He made a way for each person, including you to have a personal relationship with the living God and to live eternally with Him! Knowing God brings peace, comfort, and strength through the difficult situations of life.
Did you make a resolution? Here are some suggestions to make small improvements each day:
- Improve your academic performance
- Build a new friendship
- Help someone in your class
- Prepare for challenging high school courses
- Start researching colleges
- Remember to enjoy high school
- Learn more about God
From Tiffanee:
In America, we often share our resolution with someone to help us keep accomplishing our goal when we feel like giving up. Who can you share your New Year’s resolution with this month? I’d love to hear about your resolutions on Wechat! You can connect with me on WeChat or WhatsApp (TiffaneeWright).
P.S. This month, I am meeting agents in Japan, I brought my two daughters, Kia and Kaiya with me.