Author: Becky Baughman

Welcome New and Returning Students!

Are you ready for an adventure? Are you nervous? Everyone is happy that you are here and are ready to meet you. Even if you are a returning student, it is still normal to feel conflicting emotions, including excitement and worry! Have courage and remember that your host family, AHLI coordinator, church, teachers and classmates are here to help you. Also, the best support comes from the Lord our God.

Joshua 1:9 says, Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.

How can you show courage? You can be friendly and start a conversation with someone.

Five Conversation Starters:
1. What is your favorite food? Do you like to try new foods?
2. Do you play sports or like to watch sports?
3. Where would you like to go on vacation?
4. Do you like music? Do you play an instrument or sing?
5. What do you and your friends like to do for fun?

You can think of your own ideas and find shared interests to get the conversation moving. Soon, you will be making friends and getting to know your host family better. Enjoy your new journey!


Tiffanee M. Wright, MA, MPH | Executive Director
AHLI – International Education and Homestay

May Student Blog

You’ve made it to the end of the school year! Congratulations!

I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Ephesians 4:1b 

For my final message of the year, I’d like to give encouragement as you take the next steps for your future. Throughout your life, you will be asked, “what job do you do?” You may even have been asked a similar question when you were a kid, “what do you want to be when you grow up?” Many of us said we wanted to be an astronaut or a firefighter or professional football player, or even president! Society places a lot of value on our occupation- the “what” we do in life. It’s the work we do because we must.  

On the other hand, vocation is the work we feel called to do. Coming from the Latin word vocare, which means “to call,” vocation goes deeper than just the work itself. Rather, it is the “who” we are meant to be in life. As you mature and come into your own personhood, it’s important to think beyond the job you want to do. You have been gifted with a combination of skills, personality, and character that is unique to you. As a fellow member of society, we all have a responsibility to contribute to making the world a better, safer, kinder place.

1 Peter 4:10 says, “God has given each of you a gift. Use it to help each other. This will show God’s loving-favor. “

You have been called to make a difference. The best life is when you can combine your vocation with your occupation, so you have purpose in joy in what you do each day. As you make career decisions, remember that you have been created and called to accomplish good things! To our graduating seniors, we applaud your academic accomplishments and wish you all the best as you embark on this new journey! 


Tiffanee M. Wright, MA, MPH | Executive Director
AHLI – International Education and Homestay

Students, reach out to me on WeChat to let me know what your next steps will be!

April Student Blog

If you’ve looked at the calendar, you know it’s time to review your “bucket list.” What is a bucket list? It’s that list of things you wanted to do or accomplish before leaving the United States. Maybe you’ve called your list one of the following: 

  • My Wish List 
  • My Life’s Must Do’s 
  • Amazing Experiences To Be Had 
  • Awesome Goals to Achieve 

With school ending in the next 6 weeks, what’s still on your list? Take time to talk with your host family and friends to plan for the remaining few weeks. Perhaps there is still a cultural place to visit, a new activity to experience, or a restaurant to try. While it’s easy to think of all the activities that you still want to do, it’s also important to take time to consider how to end the school year well. How can you express your appreciation to your host parents and siblings, coordinator, friends, and teachers? Remember we all are given the same amount of time each day: 24 hours, 1,440 minutes, or 86,400 seconds. How you use it is up to you! 


Tiffanee M. Wright, MA, MPH | Executive Director
AHLI – International Education and Homestay

Students, reach out to me on WeChat to let me know what’s on your bucket list!

March Student Blog

Have you wondered why your school is closed today? Perhaps you’ve heard your host family talk about Good Friday, the day Jesus Christ was crucified and died on a cross. Doesn’t exactly sound so good, does it?  

Christians celebrate Good Friday, not because of what happened on Friday, but because of what happened three days later on Easter Sunday. To really understand this holiday weekend, we need to rewind all the way to beginning, when God created the world and declared it as good along with all that was within it, including the very first man and woman. God desired relationship with His creation, to walk together in perfect love. It was his desire that His people would live forever with him, enjoying what he created. 

But Adam and Eve (like us) decided to go their own way apart from God, which broke relationship with God. That’s when sin (brokenness) entered the world. As a result of sin, death also entered the world. 

Even though people have turned their backs on God, He still loves us. In fact, the Bible says that God loved us first even while we were still sinners. And because of that love, He made a way for us to come back into relationship with Him by sending His own son, Jesus, who was God and perfect and knew no sin, to take on our sin through His death. Jesus paid the price for each of us. 

Yet the story doesn’t end on Good Friday with Jesus’ death.. that would be a sad and hopeless ending! Despite being dead and buried for 3 days, Jesus walked out of the tomb alive, defeating death and sin. Jesus returned to His father in heaven and offers us this same opportunity to have perfect, eternal relationship with God through Jesus.  

“For God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son, so that anyone who believes in him shall not die but have eternal life.” 

What’s so good about Good Friday? Take a look at the video below: 


Tiffanee M. Wright, MA, MPH | Executive Director
AHLI – International Education and Homestay

Students, reach out to me on WeChat if you have any questions about the Easter story!

February Student Blog

If you haven’t noticed… it’s February! The shortest month of the year. It also marks the 6-month mark of your exchange experience. But a short month doesn’t mean an unimportant month! February always starts with an odd American tradition called Groundhog Day on February 2. Punxsutawney Phil who lives in Pennsylvania is a famous groundhog that is believed to predict the start of the spring season. Stemming from a German superstition, if a groundhog emerges from its burrow in the ground and sees his shadow, then winter will last for 6 more weeks; if not, then an early spring is coming. Despite being disproved by science, the tradition continues with many Americans watching what groundhog Phil does on February 2. And in case you’re wondering, Phil didn’t see his shadow in 2024, so spring is coming soon!

The past couple weeks also had us celebrating several other classic American experiences. Did you catch them all? Of course, there was the Super Bowl, where more than one third of Americans watched the exciting face-off between the San Francisco 49ers and the Kansas City Chiefs. Even if American football is not your interest, I hope that at least you enjoyed the snacks that come with the big game and watched the funny commercials! Then we jumped into Valentine’s Day, the day Americans spend $25,000,000,000 on 500 million cards, and 50 million cards and gifts are given to “special loved ones,” including our pets, friends, and family members. And lastly, we had a 3-day holiday weekend to celebrate President’s Day, commemorating America’s iconic presidents: George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. 

February is a great month to review the goals that you set for this school year. There’s still time to focus on improving a course grade, try a new hobby or activity, or befriend a classmate. Ecclesiastes 3:1 says, “He (GOD) has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end.” Remember, counting time is not as important as making the time count! 

“In the tapestry of time, we are each woven with purpose.” 

Students, reach out to me on WeChat to let me know how you celebrated this February!

January Student Blog

Happy 2024! I hope the new year has started well for you. What if you could earn 1 year of college for free? Most high school students are familiar with the College Board’s Advanced Placement (AP) exams, but do you know about CLEP exams that earn you college credit? CLEP stands for College Level Examination Program, and these exams are administered by the College Board. Passing a CLEP exam earns you college credit that is accepted at 2,900+ colleges.  

The College Board offers CLEP exams for 34 courses, covering social sciences, history, languages, business, sciences, mathematics, composition, and literature. CLEP exams are proctored (observed) and can be taken at CLEP centers or taken remotely. Depending on the course, exams are multiple-choice and take between 90-120 minutes. Most exam results are given immediately after completion.  

Important things to keep in mind when taking CLEP exams: 

  1. CLEP exams (unlike Advanced Placement exams) can only be taken in the United States. 
  2. The passing score to earn college credit varies by college/university.  
  3. Students may retake the same course exam only once every three months. 

Earn Free College Credit? 

Modern States Education Alliance is a non-profit organization dedicated to making high quality college education free of cost and accessible to any person who seeks it. Modern States has partnered with edX, a leading online learning platform founded by Harvard and MIT. Known as “Freshman Year for Free,” Modern States offers free, high quality online courses taught by college professors from elite institutions that prepare you for virtually all of the major AP and CLEP exams to help you fulfill general education requirements at university.

Each course includes online lectures, quizzes, and tests. Digital textbooks will be provided free of charge. Once you work through the course curriculum at your own pace, a free course CLEP exam code can be requested from Modern States, allowing you to take the exam for free. With so many courses to choose from, you can pick the courses that you are interested in! 

Let’s make 2024 the year you start earning college credit for FREE! 

Students, reach out to me on WeChat with any questions!

December Student Blog

Merry Christmas! Schools are closing for the holiday, trees are decorated, stockings are hung, gifts are being wrapped, and families will be coming together for a celebratory dinner. If it’s your first American Christmas, we hope you enjoy many fun activities and traditions over the next several weeks.  

In our house, a favorite Christmas tradition is attending Christmas Eve service at church on December 24. Growing up, the church I attended always had a candlelight service for Christmas Eve. The church would be decorated with lights and Christmas trees, and we would sing Christmas carols. My siblings and I would eagerly wait for the last song, when the lights went down, and finally, we could light our candles, passing the flame down the aisle while singing, “Oh Holy Night.” While we were fascinated watching the flames and trying not to burn ourselves with the dripping wax, I’m pretty sure our parents were nervously watching to make sure all of us kids didn’t let the flames touch the pews! 

After the church service, we would go home and open the gifts inside our Christmas stockings hanging over the fireplace. Our family always liked to put practical gifts into the stockings…like lotion, a book, or even deodorant! We always knew the last item at the bottom of the stocking would be an orange. It was such a joyful time being together as a family, appreciating the small things of life.  

Now that I’m grown and have a family of my own, we are continuing the same Christmas Eve tradition, going to our Christmas church service and opening our Christmas stocking presents. This year, on December 24, our family of 4 will have one more join us as we are hosting a student, too. We are excited to share our family’s traditions with her, especially the joy of opening those little presents that we hide in our Christmas stockings. 

My prayer for you in this Christmas season is that you find joy in the small things and build memories that you will carry with you like I did with my family. Jesus came to earth to bring us eternal joy so this Christmas, may you experience the joy of the Christ-mas season with your host family. 

Students, reach out to me on WeChat to tell me what you are most looking forward to this Christmas!

November Student Blog

This month, we give thanks for the many good things God has given to all of us. The very first American Thanksgiving took place in 1621 as a 3-day harvest celebration. With more than 100 attendees, colonists and Native Americans came together to share food and thanks after a very difficult winter, where half of the settlers died from disease and starvation. While turkey was not on that first Thanksgiving menu, there was fish, deer, shellfish, vegetables like cabbage, pumpkin, and potatoes, as well as cranberries, walnuts, and grapes. Although there was pumpkin, no one ate pumpkin pie as the settlers did not have access to butter, wheat flour, or an oven to bake the pie! We remember this first Thanksgiving that in good times and in difficult times, there is always much to be thankful for. 

“Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever.” 

Psalm 107:1

Students, reach out to me on WeChat to tell me what you are grateful for this holiday season!

October Student Blog

Dear AHLI Students,

Welcome to Fall! Unless you live in Florida or California, you will have noticed the cooling weather, changing leaves, and lots of pumpkins popping up in your neighborhood! Hopefully, you have settled into your school routine, and even joined a new club or sport. You may have also realized by now that American high school life is all about balance; students must balance their schoolwork, extracurricular activities, social time with friends, and quality time with family.  

As schools move into the second quarter, it’s a good time to pause and see how you are managing your different responsibilities. While academics should be a priority for you as a student, it’s important to remember that keeping a balance in all areas of your life is essential to stay healthy, mentally and physically. It’s easy to become overly focused on one area and neglect activities and relationships that will help develop you as a young adult. A healthy person balances all the areas below without overindulging in one area more than the others.  

Key Areas to Examine: 

  1. SLEEP: One of the most overlooked areas in a teenager’s life is the benefit of sleep. When sleeping, the brain builds new neural pathways, increasing memory. Growth hormone levels are increased, repairing tissues and building muscle. 
  2. FRIENDSHIPS: God created us to have relationship with Him and each other. Building relationships with your host family and students at school takes conscious effort. It means you must go out of your way (and comfort zone) to interact with others. The best way to start is by being intentional to ask someone a question about themselves! 
  3. HOBBIES: What do you do in your free time? You need an activity that helps you relax and de-stress. Whether your hobby is a solitary or group activity, finding something you enjoy builds positive mental health.  
  4. EXERCISE: Most people think exercise means playing a sport, but even just a quick walk around your neighborhood each day can clear your mind and keep your body at a healthy weight.  
  5. ACADEMICS: Most international students are surprised to learn that homework in America is an important part of their overall grade. Assignments are not just for practice! It’s critical to give enough time each day to review and complete all your schoolwork. Turning assignments in late will negatively impact your grade more than a poor test score. 
  6. SERVICE: Life is about more than just you. You have a lot to be thankful for in your life. Sharing your time, talents and money, not only helps others but benefits you by expanding your worldview. 


Tiffanee M. Wright, MA, MPH | Executive Director
AHLI – International Education and Homestay

Students, reach out to me on WeChat to tell me what you will do to create a better balance in your life!

September Student Blog

Dear AHLI Students,

For many of you, you’ve already completed 1 month of school. How was the start of school? Was it easier than you expected or more difficult? No matter how much you prepare before your arrival, the adjustment to a new routine with the start of a school year can be different than expected. The staff of AHLI, including your Coordinator, are here to help you when you need a listening ear or have questions about American school or homestay. 

This month, I’d like to talk about an important aspect of American culture: Gratitude. Gratitude is the readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness. It is an essential American value, which Americans display with frequent, friendly words and gestures.  

Ask yourself, in what circumstances do people show gratitude in your culture? Is it typical to say thank you after small interactions such as buying a snack at a 7-Eleven convenience store? Would you say thank you to your teacher after an interesting lesson in the classroom? Or how about saying thanks when your mom prepares the family dinner? In the United States, Americans show appreciation by saying thank you not just for big things, like being given a birthday gift, but also for small, everyday acts of kindness, such as holding the door open for someone else to enter, getting a ride home from sports practice, or washing the dishes. In American culture, we are extra-expressive in saying thanks… in fact, you probably can’t say or show it enough! 

In your country, how would you show gratitude to your family members? It’s important to take a minute and think about how you can demonstrate gratitude to your host family who has welcomed you into their family. To help you be appreciative “American style,” let’s look at 3 easy ways to show gratitude.  

  1. Say it: Say thank you often and consistently. You can also express appreciation by saying, “I really appreciate it when you…” pick me up from school, help me with my laundry, or take me to the store.
  2. Write it: Americans love sending and receiving cards! You can buy a card for all sorts of occasions in the United States, including thank you and appreciation cards. Many Americans keep such cards as good memories and to show friendship with those around them. Surprise a member of your host family by writing a simple thank you note. You don’t need to mail it… just leave it at a place where they will find it. 
  3. Show it: Gratitude is not just an emotion; it’s also an action! Americans show their appreciation by helping each other. When you see one person setting the table for a meal, jump in and help with the task! If you notice that the trash can is full, empty it! After returning from the store, offer to carry the bags into the house. There are a million ways that you can show thanks to your host family!  

This week, find 2 ways that you can say, write, or show your appreciation to your host family. Your family will appreciate it, and you will be on your way to adapting to American Culture! 

Also to all of our Asian students and friends, Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!


Tiffanee M. Wright, MA, MPH | Executive Director
AHLI – International Education and Homestay

If you’d like to talk more on how you are feeling or ways you are trying to stay healthy, find me on WeChat.
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