If you’ve looked at the calendar, you know it’s time to review your “bucket list.” What is a bucket list? It’s that list of things you wanted to do or accomplish before leaving the United States. Maybe you’ve called your list one of the following:
- My Wish List
- My Life’s Must Do’s
- Amazing Experiences To Be Had
- Awesome Goals to Achieve
With school ending in the next 6 weeks, what’s still on your list? Take time to talk with your host family and friends to plan for the remaining few weeks. Perhaps there is still a cultural place to visit, a new activity to experience, or a restaurant to try. While it’s easy to think of all the activities that you still want to do, it’s also important to take time to consider how to end the school year well. How can you express your appreciation to your host parents and siblings, coordinator, friends, and teachers? Remember we all are given the same amount of time each day: 24 hours, 1,440 minutes, or 86,400 seconds. How you use it is up to you!
Tiffanee M. Wright, MA, MPH | Executive Director
AHLI – International Education and Homestay